Nursery: Babies to age two. The nursery is offered at every regular scheduled church service time.
Children's Church: For kids 3 years old through 4th grade. Kids gather together while their parents attend "big" church. Kids learn about Jesus through songs, Bible study, games, and activities.
AWANA: AWANA is for children ages 4 years through High School. (Youth - 7th-12th grade - attend Bible Study at 6 and then at 7 have the option of doing AWANA handbook time.) This ministry to kids coincides with the school year and is held on Wednesday evenings from 5:55pm - 7:30pm. Every worker loves spending time with kids, helping them memorize and apply God's Word.
AWANA kicks off on Wednesday evening, Sept. 4! We hope to see your kids there!
You can register online by going to this link: AWANA Registration